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What Is IEC 62368-1? The Importance Of Safety Standards For Industrial Computers
08 Dec, 2023 750

What Is IEC 62368-1? The Importance Of Safety Standards For Industrial Computers

I. What Is IEC 62368-1? (International) IEC 62368-1 is an international safety standard published by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It is titled “Audio/video, information and communication technology equipment – Part 1: Safety requirements.” This standard sets out safety requirements for various types of audio, video, and information technology equipment, ...

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Guidance and Comparison between 60950-1 and 62368-1
07 Dec, 2023 834

Guidance and Comparison between 60950-1 and 62368-1

This Technical Report provides a mapping and comparison between the clauses of the traditional IEC 60950-1 and the corresponding clauses, requirements and test methods in the new IEC 62368-1 standard. The tables in this TR identify the corresponding requirements and test methods in IEC 62368-1 for each clause in IEC 60950-1; Notable differences between the standards are highlighted to help: –...

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