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ANSI/IES LM-79 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-stateLighting Products

This approved method describes the procedures to be followed and precautions to be observed in performing reproducible accurate measurements of total luminous, radiant, or photon flux; electrical power; system efficacy; luminous, radiant, or photon intensity distribution; and color quantities and/or spectrum of solid-state lighting (SSL) products for illumination purposes, under standard conditions.

This approved method covers LED luminaires, OLED luminaires, integrated LED lamps, integrated OLED lamps, non-integrated LED lamps operated with a driver designated by a manufacturer’s identification number or by a defined [ANSI] reference circuit, and LED light engines, all of which will be referred to as SSL products or device under test (DUT).

SSL products, excluding non-integrated LED lamps, are intended to directly connect to AC main power or to a DC voltage power supply to operate.

LISUN following instruments fully meet ANSI/IES LM-79 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Solid-stateLighting Products:

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