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ANSI/IES LM-31 Photometric Testing for Roadway and Area Lighting Luminaires Using Incandescent or High Intensity Discharge Lamps

This document defines adequate and uniform methods for measuring and reporting the photometric characteristics of roadway and area lighting luminaires using incandescent filament or high intensity discharge lamps. It describes characteristics of luminaires and some components, as well as the requirements for the thermal environment and proper control of the electrical and mechanical systems involved. General test conditions and the testing procedure best suited for achieving accurate and consistent photometric results are defined. The test procedures for luminaires using incandescent filament or high intensity discharge (HID) lamps described herein can utilize either absolute or relative photometry methods.

LISUN following instruments fully meet ANSI/IES LM-31 Photometric Testing for Roadway and Area Lighting Luminaires Using Incandescent or High Intensity Discharge Lamps:

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