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IEC 62368-1:2018 Annex T.6 Figure T.1 Steel Ball Impact Test For Enclosure

Product No: LS-B33

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  • Description
  • This device is based on the requirements of IEC 62368-1:2023 Annex T.6 Figure T.1 (GB/T 4943.1-2022 Annex T.6 and Figure T.1), IEC 60598-1:2020 Clause 4.13.4a and Figure 21 ( GB/T 7000.1-2015 Clause 4.13.4a Figure 21), a special testing instrument designed and manufactured according to the standard requirements. It is suitable for testing the anti-drop impact performance of the equipment shell. The equipment can perform two forms of vertical drop impact and swing horizontal impact. It has the advantages of accurate measurement, reasonable layout, and easy operation. It is an ideal instrument for testing by laboratory institutions and major manufacturers.

    • Impact steel ball: Φ50mm, 500±25g or 510g (other specifications of steel balls can be customized)
    • Drop height: 0.5~1.5m adjustable

    IEC 62368-1:2023 Annex T.6 Figure T.1
