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IEC 62368-1:2023 Clause Remote Controller 330N Crush Test Device

Product No: LS-B24

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  • Description
  • This device complies with the squeeze test requirements of clause of the standard IEC  62368-1:2023 “Audio, video, information technology and communication technology equipment Part 1: Safety requirements” and is suitable for handheld remote control devices, as long as they can remain self-supporting , then place it on a fixed rigid support surface in a state that can produce the most unfavorable results, and perform a pressure test.

    This device uses a flat meter with a size of approximately 100*250mm to apply a squeezing force of 330N±5N to the exposed top and back surfaces of the remote control device in a stable state for a duration of 10S.

    • Weight: 330N±5N
    • Workstation: single workstation
    • Operation mode: Manual
    • Rigid supporting surface: greater than 150mm×300mm
    • Force application plane: 100mm×250mm


    Clause of IEC  62368-1:2023
