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IEC 60884-1 Clause 24.11 Figure 33 | IEC 60335-1 Clause 22.3 Socket-outlets Pins Retention Test Device

Product No: LS-B12

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  • Description
  • LS-B12 Socket-outlets Pins Retention Test Device is fully meet the standard of IEC 60884-1 Clause 24.11 Figure 30 (GB/T 2099.1 Clause 24.10 and Figure 33), IEC 60335-1 Clause 22.3 (GB 4706.1 Chapter 22.3), BS 1363-1 Clause 12.1.1 1. 1. 1 Figure 7, EN 5007 Clause 13.4 and VDE 0620-2-1 Clause 24.10 Figure 31 requirements Design and manufacture. It is used to test the possibility of deformation movement after the plug -in. Each standard requires different requirements for tension.


    LISUN Model Standard Requirement Loading 
    LS-B12 IEC 60884-1 Clause 24.11 Figure 33(GB/T 2099.1 Clause 24.10 Figure 30) Reference Table 19, two feet 40N, three feet 10A: 50N, three -foot 16A: 54N
    LS-B12A IEC 60335-1 Clause 22.3( GB 4706.1 Clause 22.3) 50N
    GNGPL-3607 BS 1363-1 Clause 12.11.1 Figure 7 100N
    LS-B12B EN 5007 Clause 13.4 40N
    LS-B12C VDE 0620-2-1 Clause 24.10 Figure 31 Reference Table 19

    Notes: It can work together with LISUN GW-225 High Temperature Chamber(Optional)

    IEC 60884-1 Table 19

    IEC 60884-1 Clause 24.11 Figure 33
