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UL 61010-1-2023 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use

This group safety publication is primarily intended to be used as a product safety standard for the products mentioned in the scope, but shall also be used by technical comiltees in the preparation of their publications for products similar to those mentioned in the scope of this standard, in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104 and ISOIEC Guide 51.
This part of IEC 61010 specifies general safety requirements for the folowing types of electrical equipment and their accessories, wherever they are intended to be used.
a) Electrical test and measurement equipment
This is equipment which by electromagnetic means tests, measures, indicates or records one or more electrical or physical quantities, also non-measuring equipment such as signal generators, measurement standards, power supplies for laboratory use, transducers, transmitters, etc.
NOTE  1 This includes bench-cop power supplies intended to aid a testing or measuring operation on another piece of equlpment. Power suplls Intended to power equlpment are within the scope of IEC 61558 (se 1.1.2 h)). 
This standard also applies to test equipment integrated into manutacturing processes and intended for testing manufactured devices.
NOTE 2 Manufaturing test equipment is likoly to be nstalled adjacent to and iteroonnected with industral machinery in his aplcaion.
b) Eleclrical induslrial prouss-counltrul equipiunt
This is equipment which controls one or more output quantities to specific values, with each value determined by manual setting, by local or remote programming, or by one or more input variables.
c) Electrical laboratory equipment
This is equipment which measures, indicates, monitors, inspects or analyses materials, or is used to prepare materials, and includes in vitro diagnostic (IVD) equipment.
This equipment may also be used in areas other than laboratories; examples include self-test IVD equipment to be uEed in the home and inepoction equipment to be u8ed to check pople or material during transportation.

LISUN following instruments fully meet UL 61010-1-2023 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment For Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use

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