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UL 507 UL Probe for Film-coated Wire

Product No: SMT-PA135A

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  • Description
  • The probes referenced in Table 9.1 and illustrated in Figures 9.1 and 9.2 shall be used as measuring instruments to judge the accessibility to uninsulated live parts and film-coated wire provided by openings and not as instruments to judge the strength of a material. Force is not to be applied to the probe when judging accessibility.

    Technical parameters:

    Head Length: 12.7mm(1/2 inch)
    Total Length: 101.6mm(4 inch)
    The Head Radius: 14.3mm(9/16 inch)
    Former Head Diameter: R4.8mm(3/16inch)
    The Tail Diameter: 19.1mm(3/4 inch)
    Reference: UL507(PA160B)/UL1026(PA130A)/UL1278

    UL 507 UL Probe for Film-coated Wire

    UL 507 UL Probe for Film-coated Wire


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